Symposium on Plant Protein Phosphorylation
Walker, John C.
University of Missouri
关键词: Cell Division;    59 Basic Biological Sciences;    Biology;    Proteins;    Phosphorylation;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1028190
RP-ID  :  DOE/SC0004580
RP-ID  :  SC0004580
RP-ID  :  1028190
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation play key roles in many aspects of plant biology, including control of cell division, pathways of carbon and nitrogen metabolism, pattern formation, hormonal responses, and abiotic and biotic responses to environmental signals. A Symposium on Plant Protein Phosphorylation was hosted on the Columbia campus of the University of Missouri from May 26-28, 2010. The symposium provided an interdisciplinary venue at which scholars studying protein modification, as it relates to a broad range of biological questions and using a variety of plant species, presented their research. It also provided a forum where current international challenges in studies related to protein phosphorylation could be examined. The symposium also stimulated research collaborations through interactions and networking among those in the research community and engaged students and early career investigators in studying issues in plant biology from an interdisciplinary perspective. The proposed symposium, which drew 165 researchers from 13 countries and 21 States, facilitated a rapid dissemination of acquired knowledge and technical expertise regarding protein phosphorylation in plants to a broad range of plant biologists worldwide.

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