JGI Fungal Genomics Program
Grigoriev, Igor V.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
关键词: Pathogens;    Targets;    Genetics;    Cellulose;    Functionals;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1012482
RP-ID  :  LBNL-4519E-Poster
RP-ID  :  DE-AC02-05CH11231
RP-ID  :  1012482
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Genomes of energy and environment fungi are in focus of the Fungal Genomic Program at the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (JGI). Its key project, the Genomics Encyclopedia of Fungi, targets fungi related to plant health (symbionts, pathogens, and biocontrol agents) and biorefinery processes (cellulose degradation, sugar fermentation, industrial hosts), and explores fungal diversity by means of genome sequencing and analysis. Over 50 fungal genomes have been sequenced by JGI to date and released through MycoCosm (www.jgi.doe.gov/fungi), a fungal web-portal, which integrates sequence and functional data with genome analysis tools for user community. Sequence analysis supported by functional genomics leads to developing parts list for complex systems ranging from ecosystems of biofuel crops to biorefineries. Recent examples of such 'parts' suggested by comparative genomics and functional analysis in these areas are presented here

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