In 2006, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection (DG SANCO) embarked on a series of activities to consider the challenges it may face in 2009-2014. RAND Europe was asked to support this Future Challenges project by developing three scenarios for Europe to be set in the period 2009 to 2014, testing these scenarios in case study workshops, and identifying the issues and challenges arising from the project. This Technical Report covers the work RAND Europe carried out in relation to the project, including: a scenario briefing, a scenario development meeting, actual scenario development, and a case study workshop report. The report presents the three scenarios RAND Europe created for DG SANCO and comments on the key questions for DG SANCO to address that arose from the process. Finally, the report gives recommendations on taking the Future Challenges project further and considers some of the obstacles to the effective use of scenarios within organizations.