Measuring Crisis Decision Making for Public Health Emergencies
Andrew M. Parker ; Christopher Nelson ; Shoshana R. Shelton ; David J. Dausey ; Matthew W. Lewis ; Amanda Pomeroy ; Kristin J. Leuschner
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: Health and Health Care;    Public Health Preparedness;    National Security;    Public Safety;    Terrorism and Homeland Security;    Military Personnel;   
RP-ID  :  TR-712-DHHS
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】
Public health emergencies often involve making difficult decisions, including when to notify the public of threats, when to close schools or suspend public events, when to dispense medication, and how to allocate scarce resources. Yet, public health practitioners often have little experience or training in crisis decision making and can be uncomfortable with the need to make decisions based on often-incomplete information and short time lines. Unfortunately, there are no established tools for identifying, measuring, and improving public health crisis decision making.
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