Human Resource Practices for Labor Inspectorates in Developing Countries
John Mendeloff ; Michael Dworsky ; Carlos Ignacio Gutierrez ; Maria C. Lytell ; Michael Connors
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: Workforce Management;    Labor Markets;    Developing Countries;    Students;   
DOI  :  10.7249/RR917
RP-ID  :  RR-917-DOL
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】

This report examines the literature on labor inspection in developing countries in order to learn how human-resource practices in labor-enforcement agencies influence the performance of labor inspectorates in developing countries. As a supplement to a substantial literature about the advantages and disadvantages of alternative labor-law regimes and the effectiveness of alternative inspection strategies, this review highlights the state of knowledge about the conditions, competencies, and incentives needed for labor inspectors in developing countries to successfully carry out their work. This report focuses on two relatively narrow questions: What qualifications and personal characteristics are necessary for individual labor inspectors in developing countries to perform their jobs well, and what human-resource policies are important for creating an inspectorate with the necessary skills and enabling the inspectorate to function effectively?

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