Getting Early Childhood Educators Up and Running: Creating Strong Technology Curators, Facilitators, Guides, and Users
Lindsay Daugherty ; Rafiq Dossani ; Erin-Elizabeth Johnson ; Cameron Wright
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: Early Childhood Education;    Alumni;    Teachers and Teaching;    Educational Equity;    Faculty;    Educational Technology;    Preschool;    School Readiness;    Students;   
DOI  :  10.7249/RR673z4
RP-ID  :  RR-673/4-PNC
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】
Providers of early childhood education (ECE) are well positioned to help ensure that technology is used effectively in ECE settings. Indeed, the successful integration of technology into ECE depends on providers who have the ability to curate the most appropriate devices and content, facilitate effective patterns of use, guide families and caretakers on developmentally appropriate practice, and use technology to support provider needs. But ECE providers face significant obstacles that might limit their ability to successfully incorporate technology into the learning process. In this policy brief, we describe both the barriers providers face and the efforts that might be helpful in creating confident, knowledgeable providers who can help ensure appropriate, intentional, and productive use of technology among young children.
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