Development of a K–12 Financial Education Curriculum Assessment Rubric
Rebecca Herman ; Angela A. Hung ; Jeremy Burke ; Katherine Grace Carman ; Noreen Clancy ; Julia H. Kaufman ; Katie Wilson
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: Education Curriculum;    Elementary Education;    Secondary Education;    Educational Program Evaluation;    Personal Finance;    Financial Decision Making;    Students;   
DOI  :  10.7249/RR1142
RP-ID  :  RR-1142-CFPB
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】

Financial education during elementary and secondary school years can provide a solid foundation of skills and knowledge that students will need for financial decisionmaking later in life. Financial education during the K–12 years can help build students' knowledge of consumer financial products, money management basics, knowledge of where and how to seek balanced or unbiased information, and skills at carrying out financial tasks. There are numerous financial education materials targeted at K–12 students. However, little exists in the way of guidelines or criteria that would allow educators to assess the content, utility, quality, and efficacy of these curricula. In addition, school district leaders and teachers have limited time and other resources to make informed decisions about the adoption and use of appropriate curricula. The Office of Financial Empowerment at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau contracted with RAND to develop criteria that can be used to assess K–12 financial education curricula. This report documents the current state of the literature and advances a set of criteria — based on the literature and discussions with financial curriculum experts, teachers, and financial education curriculum developers — for assessing financial education curricula on multiple dimensions.

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