Tour Lengths, Permanent Changes of Station, and Alternatives for Savings and Improved Stability
Craig Bond ; Jennifer Lamping Lewis ; Henry A. Leonard ; Julia Pollak ; Christopher Guo ; Bernard D. Rostker
RAND Corporation
RAND Corporation
关键词: United States Department of Defense;    Military Families;    Military Personnel Retention;    Military Budgets and Defense Spending;    Military Compensation;    Students;   
DOI  :  10.7249/RR1034
ISBN  :  9780833091222
RP-ID  :  RR-1034-OSD
来源: RAND Corporation Published Research
【 摘 要 】
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) moves about one-third of its military servicemembers each year. This study was designed in part to support DoD in preparing a report for Congress on its permanent change of station (PCS) programs. It examined the workings of those programs with the goal of determining the potential for savings that could accrue from reducing the total number of PCS moves by increasing the average amount of time between them. The research covered current policies and programs, looking particularly at incentive programs designed to encourage servicemembers to stay longer at their current stations. The authors collaborated with the Defense Manpower Data Center to develop survey questions designed to collect responses on individual propensities to extend tours and the factors that influence such decisions, with emphasis on overseas tours, which are the most expensive. The analysis suggests that a substantial fraction of those serving overseas would be willing to extend their tour of service if a sufficiently attractive incentive package were offered. The authors recommend implementation of an auction mechanism that would allow servicemembers to bid for extensions to their current overseas tours. The estimated average annual savings could range from $19 million to $84 million.
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