The CoolAgent Ontology: A language for publishing and scheduling events
Sayers, Craig ; Letsinger, Reed
HP Development Company
关键词: ontology;    scheduling;    calendar;    agents;    meetings;    CoolAgent;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2001-194
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

This document describes a messaging language/ontology for scheduling events and handling calendar entries. It is intended for use in booking conference rooms, querying availability, scheduling meetings, and publishing upcoming events. The design was influenced by iCalendar (RFC 2445), iTip (RFC 2446) and two early Internet drafts: draft -dawson-ical-xml-dtd-01 and draft-reddy-xml-ical-00. It simplifies those prior implementations by considering a restricted domain (that of scheduling and publishing events). It advances those prior implementations by: allowing details of a proposed event to be included in a request for availability, allowing the expression of preferences for particular times/places, introducing a representation for uncertainty, and allowing for events which are both spatially and temporally distributed. 25 Pages

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