Sensor-enhanced Mobile Web Clients: an XForms Approach
Barton, John ; Kindberg, Tim ; Dai, Hui ; Priyantha, Nissanka B. ; Al-bin-ali, Fahd
HP Development Company
关键词: mobile computing;    ubiquitous computing;    sensors;    browsers;    forms;    MIME types;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2003-52
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

This paper describes methods for service selection and service access for mobile, sensor-enhanced web clients such as wireless cameras or wireless PDAs with sensor devices attached. The clients announce their data- creating capabilities in "Produce" headers sent to servers; servers respond with forms that match these capabilities. Clients fill in these forms with sensor data as well as text or file data. The resultant system enables clients to access dynamically discovered services spontaneously, as their users engage in everyday nomadic activities. 10 Pages

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