A Day in the Life 2010
Karp, Alan H.
HP Development Company
关键词: ubiquitous computing;    computing utility;    mobile computing;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-2002-65
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

In April, 1995, I was asked to explain what I meant by the term "The Global Computer" and what the implications were of building one. Feeling particularly clever, I put together what I loosely call a screenplay. Our intention was to put on a show at a coffee talk, but we never got around to it. (My manager was going to play the cat.) I present it here as originally prepared, with only some typographical errors fixed. Footnotes contain comments added for this report. The play is quite silly, but it demonstrates a vision of the future that seems more probable now than it did seven years ago. 23 Pages

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