High-Strength / High Alkaline Resistant Fe-Phosphate Glass Fibers as Concrete Reinforcement
Mariano Velez
关键词: Phosphate glasses;    phosphate fibers;    alkaline-resistant;    acid-resistant;    Ca-hydroxyapatite;   
DOI  :  10.2172/926221
RP-ID  :  Final Technical Report
PID  :  OSTI ID: 926221
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

Calcium-iron-phosphate glasses were developed whose chemical durabilities in alkaline solutions (pH 13) were comparable or superior to those of commercial alkaline-resistant (AR) silica-based glasses. However, the tensile strength of Ca-Fe-phosphate fibers, after being exposed to alkaline environments, including wet Portland cement pastes, is lower than that of current AR silicate fibers. Another series of Ca-Fe-phosphate glasses were developed with excellent chemical durability in strong acidic solutions (H2SO4, HF), indicating potential applications where silica-based fibers degrade very quickly, including E-glass. The new Ca-Fe-phosphate glasses can be melted and processed 300 to 500°C lower than silica-based glasses. This offers the possibility of manufacturing glass fibers with lower energy costs by 40-60% and the potential to reduce manufacturing waste and lower gas emissions. It was found that Ca-Fe-phosphate melts can be continuously pulled into fibers depending on the slope of the viscosity-temperature curve and with viscosity ~100 poise, using multi-hole Pt/Rh bushings.

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