HEAVY ION FUSION SCIENCE VIRTUALNATIONAL LABORATORY 2nd QUARTER 2009 MILESTONE REPORT: Perform beam and target experiments with a new induction bunching module, extended FEPS plasma, and improved target diagnostic and positioning equipment on NDCX
Bieniosek, F.M. ; Anders, A. ; Barnard, J.J. ; Dickinson, M.R. ; Gilson, E. ; Greenway, W. ; Henestroza, E. ; Jung, J.Y. ; Katayanagi, T. ; Logan, B.G. ; Lee, C.W. ; Leitner, M. ; Lidia, S. ; More, R. M. ; Ni, P. ; Pekedis, A. ; Regis, M. J. ; Roy, P.K. ; Seidl, P. A. ; Wal
DOI  :  10.2172/971626
RP-ID  :  LBNL-2352E
PID  :  OSTI ID: 971626
Others  :  TRN: US1001450
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

This effort contains two main components: The new induction-bunching module is expected to deliver higher fluence in the bunched beam, and the new target positioner will enable a significantly enhanced target physics repetition rate. The velocity ramp that bunches the K{sup +} beam in the neutralized drift compression section is established with a bipolar voltage ramp applied to an acceleration gap. An induction acceleration module creates this voltage waveform. The new bunching module (IBM) specially built for NDCX has approximately twice the capability (volt-seconds) as our original IBM. We reported on the beam line design for the best use of the bunching module in our FY08 Q2 report. Based on simulations and theoretical work, we chose to extend the drift compression section and use the additional volt-seconds to extend the pulse duration and keep the peak voltage swing (and velocity excursions) similar to the present module. Simulations showed that this approach, which extends the drift section, to be advantageous because it limits the chromatic aberrations in the beam spot on target. To this end, colleagues at PPPL have fabricated the meter-long extension to the ferroelectric plasma source and it was installed on the beam line with the new IBM in January 2009. Simulation results suggest a factor of two increase in energy deposition from the bunched beam. In the first WDM target run (August-November 2008) the target handling setup required opening the vacuum system to manually replace the target after each shot (which destroys the target). Because of the requirement for careful alignment of each individual target, the target shot repetition rate was no greater than 1 shot per day. Initial results of this run are reported in our FY08 4th Quarter Milestone Report. Based on the valuable experience gained in the initial run, we have designed and installed an improved target alignment and positioning system with the capability to reposition targets remotely. This capability allows us to significantly increase our shot repetition rate, and to take greater advantage of the pinhole/cone arrangement we have developed to localize the beam at final focus. In addition we have improved the capability of the optical diagnostic systems, and we have installed a new beam current transformer downstream of the target to monitor beam current transmitted through the target during an experiment. These improvements will allow us to better exploit the inherent capability of the NDCX facility for high repetition rate and thus to provide more detailed experimental data to assess WDM physics models of target behavior. This milestone has been met by demonstrating highly compressed beams with the new bunching module, which are neutralized in the longer drift compression section by the new ferro-electric plasma sources. The peak uncompressed beam intensity ({approx}600 kW/cm{sup 2}) is higher than in previous measurements, and the bunched beam current profiles are {approx}2ns. We have also demonstrated a large increase in the experimental data acquisition rate for target heating experiments. In the first test of the new remote-controlled target positioning system, we completed three successful target physics shots in less than two hours. Further improvements are expected.

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