Aerogel-Based Insulation for High-Temperature Industrial Processes
Dr. Owen Evans
关键词: COMPETITION;    ENERGY CONSUMPTION;    MARKET;    PERFORMANCE;    POWER PLANTS;    PROCESSING;    SALES;    SILICA;    STEAM Insulation;    energy savings;    aerogel;    thermal conductivity;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1027124
RP-ID  :  Final Report
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1027124
Others  :  Other: R-10008
Others  :  TRN: US201123%%130
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

Under this program, Aspen Aerogels has developed an industrial insulation called Pyrogel HT, which is 4-5 times more thermally efficient than current non-aerogel technology. Derived from nanoporous silica aerogels, Pyrogel HT was specifically developed to address a high temperature capability gap not currently met with Aspen Aerogels{trademark} flagship product, Pyrogel XT. Pyrogel XT, which was originally developed on a separate DOE contract (DE-FG36-06GO16056), was primarily optimized for use in industrial steam processing systems, where application temperatures typically do not exceed 400 C. At the time, further improvements in thermal performance above 400 C could not be reasonably achieved for Pyrogel XT without significantly affecting other key material properties using the current technology. Cumulative sales of Pyrogel HT into domestic power plants should reach $125MM through 2030, eventually reaching about 10% of the total insulation market share in that space. Global energy savings would be expected to scale similarly. Over the same period, these sales would reduce domestic energy consumption by more than 65 TBtu. Upon branching out into all industrial processes in the 400 C-650 C regime, Pyrogel HT would reach annual sales levels of $150MM, with two-thirds of that being exported.

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