21st Century Renewable Fuels, Energy, and Materials
Berry, K. Joel1  Das, Susanta K.1 
[1] Kettering Univ., Flint, MI (United States)
关键词: Energy;    Materials;    HTPEM;    PEM;    Fuel Reforming;    Battery;    Fuel Cell;    Bio-Fuel;    Bio-Crop;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1056041
RP-ID  :  DOE/DE/EE--0003109
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1056041
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The objectives of this project were multi-fold: (i) conduct fundamental studies to develop a new class of high temperature PEM fuel cell material capable of conducting protons at elevated temperature (180?��C), (ii) develop and fabricate a 5k We novel catalytic flat plate steam reforming process for extracting hydrogen from multi-fuels and integrate with high-temperature PEM fuel cell systems, (iii) research and develop improved oxygen permeable membranes for high power density lithium air battery with simple control systems and reduced cost, (iv) research on high energy yield agriculture bio-crop (Miscanthus) suitable for reformate fuel/alternative fuel with minimum impact on human food chain and develop a cost analysis and production model, and (v) develop math and science alternative energy educator program to include bio-energy and power.

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