Measure Guideline. Steam System Balancing and Tuning for Multifamily Residential Buildings
Choi, Jayne1  Ludwig, Peter1  Brand, Larry2 
[1]Partnership for Advanced Residential Retrofit (PARR), Chicago, IL (United States)
[2]Partnership for Advanced Residential Retrofit
关键词: steam systems;    balancing and tuning;    multifamily buildings;    cold climate;    air vent;    boiler;    one-pipe steam;    residential;    residential building;    PARR;    Building America;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1220003
RP-ID  :  DOE/GO--102013-3851
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1220003
Others  :  Other: 6208
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
This guideline provides building owners, professionals involved in multifamily audits, and contractors insights for improving the balance and tuning of steam systems. It provides readers an overview of one-pipe steam heating systems, guidelines for evaluating steam systems, typical costs and savings, and guidelines for ensuring quality installations. It also directs readers to additional resources for details not included here. Measures for balancing a distribution system that are covered include replacing main line vents and upgrading radiator vents. Also included is a discussion on upgrading boiler controls and the importance of tuning the settings on new or existing boiler controls. The guideline focuses on one-pipe steam systems, though many of the assessment methods can be generalized to two-pipe steam systems.
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