Steam System Balancing and Tuning for Multifamily Residential Buildings in Chicagoland - Second Year of Data Collection
Choi, Jayne1  Ludwig, Peter1  Brand, Larry2 
[1]Partnership for Advanced Residential Retrofit, Chicago, IL (United States)
[2]Partnership for Advanced Residential Retrofit, Chicago, IL
关键词: steam systems;    steam boilers;    steam system balancing;    steam system tuning;    steam headers;    steam risers;    radiator;    radiator vent;    main line vent;    multifamily buildings;    tenant comfort;    temperature distribution;    residential;    residential buildings;    PARR;    Building America;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1220242
RP-ID  :  DOE/GO--2013-4238
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1220242
Others  :  Other: 6485
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
Steam heated buildings often suffer from uneven heating as a result of poor control of the amount of steam entering each radiator. In order to satisfy the heating load to the coldest units, other units are overheated. As a result, some tenants complain of being too hot and open their windows in the middle of winter, while others complain of being too cold and are compelled to use supplemental heat sources.
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