Final Technical Report: "New Tools for Physics with Low-energy Antimatter"
Surko, Clifford M.1 
[1]U. C. San Diego
关键词: plasmas;    antimatter;    positrons;    nonneutral;    traps;    Penning-Malmberg;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1095260
RP-ID  :  UCSD-C. Surko-FTR-1
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1095260
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
The objective of this research is to develop new tools to manipulate antimatter plasmas and to tailor them for specific scientific and technical uses. The work has two specific objectives. One is establishing the limits for positron accumulation and confinement in the form of single-component plasmas in Penning-Malmberg traps. This technique underpins a wealth of antimatter applications. A second objective is to develop an understanding of the limits for formation of cold, bright positron beams. The research done in this grant focused on particular facets of these goals. One focus was extracting tailored beams from a high-field Penning-Malmberg trap from the magnetic field to form new kinds of high-quality electrostatic beams. A second goal was to develop the technology for colder trap-based beams using a cryogenically cooled buffer gas. A third objective was to conduct the basic plasma research to develop a new high-capacity multicell trap (MCT) for research with antimatter. Progress is reported here in all three areas. While the goal of this research is to develop new tools for manipulating positrons (i.e., the antiparticles of electrons), much of the work was done with test electron plasmas for increased data rate. Some of the techniques developed in the course of this work are also relevant to the manipulation and use of antiprotons.
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