High-Energy Permanent Magnets for Hybrid Vehicles and Alternative Energy Uses
Hadjipanayis, George C.1  McCallum, William R.2  Sellmyer, David J.3  Harris, Vincent4  Carpenter, Everett E.5  Liu, Jinfa 
[1] University of Delaware;Ames Laboratory;University of Nebraska, Lincoln;Northeastern University;Virginia Commonwealth University
关键词: Permanent magnets;    Nanocomposite magnets;    Magnetic nanoparticles;    Polyol synthesis;    High-energy ball-milling;    Mechanochemical synthesis;    Surface functionalization;    Micromagnetic simulation;    Monte-Carlo simulation;    Ternary phase equilibria;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1110789
RP-ID  :  DOE-DELAWARE-0000046
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1110789
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The report summarizes research undertaken by a multidisciplinary team aimed at the development of the next generation high-energy permanent magnets. The principal approach was relied on bottom-up fabrication of anisotropic nanocomposite magnets. Our efforts resulted in further development of the theoretical concept and fabrication principles for the nanocomposites and in synthesis of a range of rare-earth-based hard magnetic nanoparticles. Even though we did not make a breakthrough in the assembly of these hard magnetic particles with separately prepared Fe(Co) nanoparticles and did not obtain a compact nanocomposite magnet, our performed research will help to direct the future efforts, in particular, towards nano-assembly via coating, when the two phases which made the nanocomposite are first organized in core-shell-structured particles. Two other approaches were to synthesize (discover) new materials for the traditional singe-material magnets and the nanocomposite magnets. Integrated theoretical and experimental efforts lead to a significant advance in nanocluster synthesis technique and yielded novel rare-earth-free nanostructured and nanocomposite materials. Examination of fifteen R-Fe-X alloy systems (R = rare earth), which have not been explored earlier due to various synthesis difficulties reveal several new ferromagnetic compounds. The research has made major progress in bottom-up manufacturing of rare-earth-containing nanocomposite magnets with superior energy density and open new directions in development of higher-energy-density magnets that do not contain rare earths. The advance in the scientific knowledge and technology made in the course of the project has been reported in 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and numerous presentations at scientific meetings.

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