Rare Earth Permanent Magnets (REPM) have been widely used in accelerators since the early 1980s. Wigglers, Undulators and Quadrupoles have been used in light source and damping rings. Currently there are proposals for permanent magnet quadrupoles for use in the NLC and VLHC. The advantages of permanent magnets are zero operating costs and reduce capital costs by eliminating power supplies can cables. The main disadvantage is the loss of strength of the magnets due to radiation damage. With the proposed use of permanent magnets for both the NLC and VLHC the issue flux loss due to radiation damage needs to be fully understood. There exists many papers on the subject. There are many difficulties In drawing conclusions from all of these data. First there is the difference methods of dosimetry, second different types of magnets and magnetic arrangements, and third different manufacturers of magnet material. This paper provides a summary of the existing literature on the subject.