Magnets for Muon 6D Cooling Channels
Johnson, Rolland1  Flanagan, Gene1 
[1] Muons, Inc.
关键词: high-field;    superconducting;    magnet;    helical solenoid;    muon-beam;    ionization-cooling;    YBCO;    prototype-construction;    muon-collider;    neutrino-factory;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1155008
RP-ID  :  DOE-Muons-84825
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1155008
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The Helical Cooling Channel (HCC), an innovative technique for six-dimensional (6D) cooling of muon beams using a continuous absorber inside superconducting magnets, has shown considerable promise based on analytic and simulation studies. The implementation of this revolutionary method of muon cooling requires high field superconducting magnets that provide superimposed solenoid, helical dipole, and helical quadrupole fields. Novel magnet design concepts are required to provide HCC magnet systems with the desired fields for 6D muon beam cooling. New designs feature simple coil configurations that produce these complex fields with the required characteristics, where new high field conductor materials are particularly advantageous. The object of the program was to develop designs and construction methods for HCC magnets and design a magnet system for a 6D muon beam cooling channel. If successful the program would develop the magnet technologies needed to create bright muon beams for many applications ranging from scientific accelerators and storage rings to beams to study material properties and new sources of energy. Examples of these applications include energy frontier muon colliders, Higgs and neutrino factories, stopping muon beams for studies of rare fundamental interactions and muon catalyzed fusion, and muon sources for cargo screening for homeland security.

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