Combinatorial Algorithms to Enable Computational Science and Engineering: Work from the CSCAPES Institute
Boman, Erik G.1  Catalyurek, Umit V.2  Chevalier, Cedric3  Devine, Karen D.1  Gebremedhin, Assefaw H.4  Hovland, Paul D.5  Pothen, Alex4  Rajamanickam, Sivasankaran1  Safro, Ilya5  Wolf, Michael M.6  Zhou, Min7 
[1] Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Scalable Algorithms Dept.;The Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH (United States). Biomedical Informatics. Electrical and Computer Engineering;Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Cadarache (France);Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, IN (United States). Computer Science;Argonne National Lab. (ANL), Argonne, IL (United States). Mathematics and Computer Science Division;Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Lexington, MA (United States). Lincoln Lab.;Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, NY (United States). Scientific Computation Research Center
关键词: combinatorial scientific computing;    high performance computing;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1167393
RP-ID  :  DE--ER25864
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1167393
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

This final progress report summarizes the work accomplished at the Combinatorial Scientific Computing and Petascale Simulations Institute. We developed Zoltan, a parallel mesh partitioning library that made use of accurate hypergraph models to provide load balancing in mesh-based computations. We developed several graph coloring algorithms for computing Jacobian and Hessian matrices and organized them into a software package called ColPack. We developed parallel algorithms for graph coloring and graph matching problems, and also designed multi-scale graph algorithms. Three PhD students graduated, six more are continuing their PhD studies, and four postdoctoral scholars were advised. Six of these students and Fellows have joined DOE Labs (Sandia, Berkeley), as staff scientists or as postdoctoral scientists. We also organized the SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC) in 2007, 2009, and 2011 to continue to foster the CSC community.

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