High-Performance Slab-on-Grade Foundation Insulation Retrofits
Goldberg, Louise F.1  Mosiman, Garrett E.1 
[1] NorthernSTAR, St. Paul, MN (United States)
关键词: residential;    Residential Buildings;    NorthernSTAR;    Building America;    slab-on-grade;    insulation;    energy;    cost;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1221614
RP-ID  :  DOE/GO--102015-4726
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1221614
Others  :  Other: 7193
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

A more accurate assessment of slab-on-grade foundation insulation energy savings than traditionally possible is now feasible. This has been enabled by advances in whole building energy simulation with 3-dimensional foundation modelling integration at each time step together with an experimental measurement of the site energy savings of SOG foundation insulation. Ten SOG insulation strategies were evaluated on a test building to identify an optimum retrofit insulation strategy in a zone 6 climate (Minneapolis, MN). The optimum insulation strategy in terms of energy savings and cost effectiveness consisted of two components: (a) R-20 XPS insulation above grade, and, (b) R-20 insulation at grade (comprising an outer layer of R-10 insulation and an interior layer of R-12 poured polyurethane insulation) tapering to R-10 XPS insulation at half the below-grade wall height (the lower half of the stem wall was uninsulated).

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