Testing of TAMU3: a Nb3Sn Block–Coil Dipole with Stress Management
McIntyre, Peter1 
[1] Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States)
关键词: superconducting magnet;    Nb3Sn;    high magnetic field;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1215795
RP-ID  :  DOE-TAMU--11685-5
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1215795
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The Accelerator Research Lab (ARL) at Texas A&M has recently concluded the construction and testing of a superconducting block-coil dipole TAMU3. TAMU3 reached 85% of the resistive-onset short sample critical current (0.1 ??V/cm criterion) that was measured on extracted strands at the National High Magnetic Field Lab. Peak magnet current was 6603 amps, and all with quenches originated in the vicinity of the hard-way chicane near the exit lead of the TAMU3c inner winding. Leading up to the testing we discovered that we had made two grievous mistakes in the fabrication (we mistakenly used the wrong superconducting wire for the cables of the inner windings) and the heat treatment (we used a heat treatment that was too hot and too long). We extracted strands from the leads of the inner and outer windings, and colleagues at NHMFL performed short-sample measurements upon them. The NHMFL measurements indicated RRR ~ 2-5, which gives very little stability against microquenches. The short-sample tests of the extracted strands exhibited a long resistive transition, in which there was a current Isc(B) beyond which it became resistive, then a higher current In(B) at which it went fully normal. Using the Isc(B) data we predicted a short-sample limit for the revised load line of TAMU3 of 7700 A (9 T) – a disappointing reduction from the 14 T objective. On those unhappy notes we undertook the testing of the dipole. The first quench occurred at 5695 A, and the dipole trained thereafter to a maximum quench current of 6600 A (7.6 T), 85% of the compromised short-sample limit. All quenches occurred at a single location, in the region of the S-bend transition and outer lead of one inner winding. Data was collected from stress transducers on the outer windings to evaluate stress management, and on the coil ends to evaluate capture of axial forces by staticfriction lock. The low field reached prevented us from extending those tests to the stress levels where they would have become most interesting, but the designed stress management appeared to be working at the level tested.

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