Generation, Detection and characterization of Gas-Phase Transition Metal containing Molecules
Steimle, Timothy1 
[1] Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ (United States)
关键词: dipole moments;    transition metals;    spectroscopy;    gas-phase;    hyperfine interactions;    electronic states;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1229541
RP-ID  :  Final Report DOE-ASU--15603
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1229541
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The objective of this project was to generate, detect, and characterize small, gas-phase, metal containing molecules. In addition to being relevant to high temperature chemical environments (e.g. plasmas and combustion), gas-phase experiments on metal containing molecules serve as the most direct link to a molecular-level theoretical model for catalysis. Catalysis (i.e. the addition of a small about of recoverable material to control the rate and direction of a chemical reaction) is critical to the petroleum and pharmaceutical industries as well as environmental remediation. Currently, the majority of catalytic materials are based on very expensive metals such as platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), iridium (Ir,) rhenium (Re), and rhodium (Rh). For example, the catalyst used for converting linear hydrocarbon molecules (e.g. hexane) to cyclic molecules (e.g. cyclohexane) is a mixture of Pt and Re suspended on alumina. It enables straight chain alkanes to be converted into branched-chain alkanes, cyclohexanes and aromatic hydrocarbons which are used, amongst other things, to enhance the octane number of petrol. A second example is the heterogeneous catalysis used in automobile exhaust systems to: a) decrease nitrogen oxide; b) reduce carbon monoxide; and c) oxidize unburned hydrocarbons. The exhaust is vented through a high-surface area chamber lined with Pt, Pd, and Rh. For example, the carbon monoxide is catalytically converted to carbon dioxide by reaction with oxygen. The research results from this work have been published in readily accessible journals1-28. The ground and excited electronic state properties of small metal containing molecules that we determine were: a) electronic state distributions and lifetimes, b) vibrational frequencies, c) bond lengths and angles, d) hyperfine interactions, e) permanent electric dipole moments, mel, and f) magnetic dipoles, ??m. In general terms, ??el, gives insight into the charge distribution and mm into the number and nature of the unpaired electrons. Analysis of the hyperfine interactions (i.e. Fermi-contact, nuclear electric quadrupole, etc.) is particularly insightful because it results from the interaction of nuclei with non-zero spin and the chemically important valence electrons. The bulk of the spectroscopic techniques used in these studies exploit the sensitivity of laser induced fluorescence (LIF) detection. The spectroscopic schemes employed include: a) cw and pulsed laser field-free(FF) excitation and dispersed LIF (DLIF); b) optical Stark; c) optical Zeeman; d) pump/probe microwave double resonance (PPMODR); e) fluorescence lifetimes, and f) resonant and non-resonant two-photon ionization TOF mass spectrometry. Vibrational spacing, force constants and electronic states distributions are derived from the analysis of pulsed dye laser excitation and DLIF spectra. Geometric structure (bond lengths and angles) and hyperfine parameters are derived from the analysis of cw-laser LIF and PPMODR spectra. Permanent electric dipole moments, mel,, and magnetic dipole moments, mm, are derived from the analysis of optical Stark and Zeeman spectra, respectively. Transition moments are derived from the analysis of radiative lifetimes. A supersonic molecular beam sample of these ephemeral molecules is generated by skimming the products of either a laser ablation/reaction source or a d.c. discharge source.

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