Spectroscopy of selected metal-containing diatomic molecules
Physics & Astronomy;Molecular spectroscopy;Fourier transform spectrometer;lanthanides;transition metals;MnH;CoH;YbO;EuH;SmH;SmCl;ErF;TmH
Gordon, Iouli
University of Waterloo
关键词: Physics & Astronomy;    Molecular spectroscopy;    Fourier transform spectrometer;    lanthanides;    transition metals;    MnH;    CoH;    YbO;    EuH;    SmH;    SmCl;    ErF;    TmH;   
Others  :  https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/bitstream/10012/1235/1/igordon2005.pdf
来源: UWSPACE Waterloo Institutional Repository
【 摘 要 】

Fourier transform infrared emission spectra of MnH and MnD wereobserved in the ground X7σ+ electronic state. Thevibration-rotation bands from v = 1 to 0 to v = 3 to 2for MnH, and from v = 1 to 0 to v = 4 to 3 for MnD wererecorded at an instrumental resolution of 0.0085 cm-1.Spectroscopic constants were determined for each vibrational leveland equilibrium constants were found from a Dunham-type fit. Theequilibrium vibrational constant ωe for MnH was found tobe 1546.84518(65) cm-1, the equilibrium rotational constantBe was found to be 5.6856789(103) cm-1 and the equilibriumbond distance re was determined to be 1.7308601(47) Å.

New high resolution emission spectra of CoH and CoD molecules havebeen recorded in the 640 nm to 3.5 µm region using a Fouriertransform spectrometer. Many bands were observed for theA;;3φ-X3φ electronictransition of CoH and CoD. In addition, a new [13.3]4 electronicstate was found by observing the [13.3]4- X3φ3 and[13.3]4-X3φ4 transitions in the spectrum of CoD.Analysis of the transitions with δω = 0, ±1 providedmore accurate values of spin-orbit splittings between ω = 4 andω = 3 components. The ground state for both molecules wasfitted both to band and Dunham-type constants. The estimated bandconstants of the perturbed upper states were also obtained.

The emission spectrum of gas-phase YbO has been investigated using aFourier transform spectrometer. A total of 8 red-degraded bands inthe range 9 800 ? 11 300 cm-1 were recorded at a resolutionof 0.04 cm-1. Because of the multiple isotopomers present inthe spectra, only 3 bands were rotationally analyzed. Perturbationswere identified in two of these bands and all 3 transitions werefound to terminate at the X1σ+ ground electronic state.The electronic configurations that give rise to the observed statesare discussed and molecular parameters for all of the analyzed bandsare reported.

Electronic spectra of the previously unobserved EuH and EuDmolecules were studied by means of Fourier transform spectroscopyand laser-induced fluorescence. The extreme complexity of thesetransitions made rotational assignments of EuH bands impossible.However, the spin-spin interaction constant, λ, and Fermicontact parameter, bF, in the ground X9σ- electronic state were estimated for the 151EuH and 153EuHisotopologues.

Electronic spectra of SmH, SmCl, TmH and ErF molecules were recordedfor the first time using Fourier transform spectrometer. The poorsignal to noise ratio of the observed bands coupled with theircomplexity prevented a rotational analysis. The electronic statesthat may be involved in the observed transitions are discussed.

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