Air pollution impacts from carbon capture and storage (CCS)
European Environment Agency
关键词: CO2;    air pollution;    carbon dioxide;    oxy-fuel combustion;    particulate matter;    CCS;    CO2 leakage;    NOX;    NH3;    sulfur dioxide;    human health;    carbon storage;    carbon capture;    ammonia;    SO2;    PM;    nitrogen oxides;    greenhouse gases;    ghg emissions;   
RP-ID  :  Technical report No 14/2011
来源: EEA Publications
【 摘 要 】

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) consists of thecapture of carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plantsand/or CO2-intensive industries such as refineries,cement, iron and steel, its subsequent transportto a storage site, and finally its injection into asuitable underground geological formation for thepurposes of permanent storage. It is considered tobe one of the medium term 'bridging technologies'in the portfolio of available mitigation actions forstabilising concentrations of atmospheric CO2, themain greenhouse gas (GHG).

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