Law No. 26 of 1995 on the environment protection.
关键词: Basic legislation;    Climate change;    EIA;    Environmental standards;    Hazardous waste;    Inspection;    Institution;    Liability/compensation;    Marine pollution;    Monitoring;    Offences/penalties;    Ozone layer;    Pollution control;    Protected area;    Protection of habitats;    Registration;    Soil pollution/quality;    Waste disposal;    Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;    Sustainable development;   
【 摘 要 】

This Law is composed of 5 Sections divided into 95 articles. Section I deals with terms and definitions and defines objectives of this Law which are: protection of environment; pollution control; protection, preservation and development of natural resources; protection of the society, public health, and all being livings from all dangerous and hazardous activities; protection of the national environment from external hazards activities; accomplishment of all international obligations relating to

【 授权许可】


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