Environment Management Act, 2015 (No. 11 of 2015).
关键词: Air quality/air pollution;    Framework law;    Basic legislation;    Pollution control;    Institution;    EIA;    Environmental audit;    Monitoring;    Environmental standards;    Community management;    Soil pollution/quality;    Noise pollution;    Climate change;    Special fund;    Environmental planning;    Inspection;    Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;    Enforcement/compliance;    Offences/penalties;    Inland fisheries;    Marine fisheries;    Forestry protection measures;    Protection forest;    Hazardous substances;    Freshwater resources management;    Inland waters;    Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;    Sustainable development;    Sustainable use;    Wetlands;    Water conservation zone;    Biodiversity;    Protection of habitats;    Genetic resources;    Endangered species;    Access and benefit sharing;    Protected area;    Protection of species;    Wild fauna;    Wild flora;    International agreement-implementation;   
【 摘 要 】

This Act provides with respect to the protection and management of the environment and natural resources (including forest and water resources) and wildlife in Antigua and Barbuda and also concerns, climate change issues, the establishment of protected areas and access to genetic resources and the sharing of benefits of such resources. The main objective of this Act is to ensure the establishment of an integrated environmental management system in which environment is managed in a sustainable ma

【 授权许可】


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