Aquaculture (Licensing) Regulations: Aquaculture Act, 2002 (G.N. No. 245 of 2003).
关键词: Marine pollution;    Aquaculture;    Mariculture;    Authorization/permit;    Registration;    Aquatic animals;    Drugs;    Alien species;    Fish disease;    International trade;    Inspection;    Offences/penalties;    Effluent waste water/discharge;    Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;    Hazardous substances;   
【 摘 要 】

These Regulations implement provisions of the Aquaculture Act 2002 in relation with the application for and granting of aquaculture licences. They also make provision with respect to duties of licensees relative to reporting and recording, fish health management and protection of the aquatic environment. The Permanent Secretary must maintain at the Ministry a register of all licences issued and all persons engaged in aquaculture in Namibia and Namibian waters who are exempted by the Minister und

【 授权许可】


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