Law carrying into effect the Swedish Environmental Code (1998:811).
关键词: Basic legislation;    Institution;    Pollution control;    EIA;    Access-to-information;    Agricultural land;    Ecosystem preservation;    Environmental audit;    Environmental planning;    GMO;    Environmental standards;    Inspection;    Polluter pays principle;    Enforcement/compliance;    Offences/penalties;    Soil rehabilitation;    Management/conservation;    Waste management;    Waste prevention;    Water conservation zone;    Waterworks;    Drainage/land reclamation;    Authorization/permit;    Protected area;    National parks;   
【 摘 要 】

This Act concerns the process of introduction of the Swedish Environmental Code and declares various Acts to be repealed upon the entry into force of the Code. The Act deals with existing authorizations, legal proceedings, enforcement measures, etc. and other transitional matters, and provides with respect to the continuing into existence of subsidiary legislation issued under the repealed Acts.

【 授权许可】


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