Regulation of the Minister of Marine and Fishery of RI No. 2/PERMEN-KP/2013 on Guidelines for Implementation of National Program on the Empowerment of Independent Fishing Communities.
关键词: Urban land;    Coastal zone management;    Community management;    Mining;    Water desalination;    Agricultural development;    Marine area;    Fishery management and conservation;    Artisanal fishing;    Cooperative/producer organization;   
【 摘 要 】

This Regulation, consisting of 4 articles, establishes Guidelines for Implementation of National Program on the Empowerement of Indipendent Fishing Communities. The Guidelines are intended to constitute an implementing tool for the development of the following activities: rural mining, salt trasformation and development of Steadfast Coastal Urban and are specified in the Attachment constituting inseparable part of this Regulation (still not published).

【 授权许可】


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