Resolution No. 16/2013 on the concession for land plot exploitation to the society Island Seafood Processing Industry Lda.
关键词: Coastal zone management;    Land-use planning;    Zoning;    Pollution control;    Concession;    Fish products;    Processing/handling;    Treated food;    Contract/agreement;    Business/industry/corporations;   
【 摘 要 】
This Resolution approves the 30 year-concession contract for land exploitation to the society called Island Seafood Processing Industry Lda, located in Mindelo, São Vicente Island. This concession for the exploitation of a maritime public land plot, located on the Galé Beach, (with an extension of 20.246,04 m2), consists of 8 clauses and aims at the implementation of an industrial unit for fish processing which will be under the control of competent authorities, according to Law No. 44/VI/2004 o
【 授权许可】


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