Resolution No. 12/2015 approving Governmental Five-Year Programme 2015-2019.
关键词: Policy/planning;    Agricultural development;    Poverty;    Governance;    Sustainable development;    Sustainable use;    Gender and natural resources;    Equity;    Biodiversity;    Disasters;    Climate change;    Environmental planning;    Fish products;    Artisanal fishing;    Fishery management and conservation;    Internal trade;    International trade;    Agro-forestry;    Forest management/forest conservation;    Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;    Freshwater resources management;   
【 摘 要 】

The Five-Year Government Programme 2015-2019 sets as central objective to improve the living conditions of the Mozambican people, increasing employment, productivity and competitiveness, creating wealth and generating a balanced and inclusive development in an environment of peace, security, harmony, solidarity, justice and cohesion among Mozambicans. The pursuit of the Central Government Objectives will be achieved with the focus and impact of governmental activity and public and private invest

【 授权许可】


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