Decree No. 330 validating the Regulation on the use of finances of the State Fund for Radioactive Waste Management.
关键词: Special fund;    Radiation;    Waste non-domestic sources;    Waste disposal;    Waste management;    Hazardous substances;    Hazardous waste;    Disasters;    Monitoring;    Registration;    Classification/declassification;    Environmental security;    Transport/storage;   
【 摘 要 】
This Decree establishes the procedure for the use of finances of the State Fund for Radioactive Waste Management. Managers of the finances allocated by the Fund shall be budgetary institutions operating in the sphere of radioactive waste management. Distribution of finances of the fund between managers and recipients shall be the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Finances shall be allocated for the following purposes: (a) design, construction, commissioning, operation, repair, reconstruction
【 授权许可】


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