Decree No. 63.261 amending Decree No. 32.955 regulating Law No. 6.134 on the preservation of natural groundwater deposits in the State of São Paulo and other provisions.
关键词: Groundwater;    Pollution control;    Water conservation zone;    Effluent waste water/discharge;    Offences/penalties;   
【 摘 要 】
This Decree amends Decree No. 32.955 regulating Law No. 6.134 on the preservation of natural groundwater deposits in the State of São Paulo. Amendments establishing new requirements and restrictions do not apply to wells destined for uses exempted from granting, as defined in the legislation and the resulting regulation, but are subject to the supervision of accredited public agents, regarding sanitary conditions and security. It is up to the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo - CET
【 授权许可】


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