Final Report: DoE SBIR Phase 2 Low-Cost Small Diameter NMR Technologies for In-Situ Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring
Walsh, David Oliver
Vista Clara Inc., Mukilteo, WA (United States)
关键词: Direct Push;    Subsurface Characterization;    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance;    Subsurface Characterization;    Groundwater;   
DOI  :  10.2172/986757
RP-ID  :  DOEER84931-5
RP-ID  :  FG02-07ER84931
RP-ID  :  986757
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
In this Phase 2 SBIR program, Vista Clara successfully developed and field-tested small diameter NNR logging tools for subsurface characterization and monitoring. This effort involved the design and development surface electronics, a winch with 470ft cable, and three interchangeable downhole probes: a 3.5âdiameter borehole NMR probe, a 1.67âdiameter borehole NMR probe, and a 2.5âdiameter NMR probe that can be deployed using a Geoprobe direct push machine. The 3.5âprobe was tested extensively over a 6 week period including 4âto 8âboreholes in Washington, Idaho, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Connecticut and Massachusetts. The field test campaign was highly successful. The 1.67âprobe was assembled, tested and calibrated in the laboratory. The 2.5âGeoprobe probe is in final assembly and testing at the time of this report.The completed Phase 2 R&D program has resulted in the first NMR logging tool that can be deployed in boreholes of 4âdiameter, the first NMR logging tool that can be deployed in boreholes on 2âdiameter, and the first NMR logging tool that can be deployed by a direct push machine. These small diameter tools make NMR logging technically and economically feasible, for the first time. Previously available NMR logging tools were developed for oilfield applications and are prohibitively large and expensive for the majority of near surface groundwater characterization problems.
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