California Food and Agricultural Code - Division 1: State Administration - Part 1: The Department of Food and Agriculture - Chapter 3: Other Powers and Duties (secs. 401 - 588)
关键词: Institution;    Agricultural commodities;    Agricultural development;    Business/industry/corporations;    Rural employment;    Fraud/deceit/adulteration;    Integrated pest management-IPM/pest management strategies;    Inspection;    Authorization/permit;    Policy/planning;    Data collection/reporting;    Research;    Risk assessment/management;    Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;    Contract/agreement;    Cooperative/producer organization;    Internal trade;    International trade;    Irrigation;    Procedural matters;    Biotechnology;    Classification/declassification;    Public health;    Protection of environment;    Sustainable development;    Equity;    Public participation;    Education;    Ecological production/organic production;    Financial agricultural measures;    Fiscal and market measures;    Dispute settlement;    Certification;    Enforcement/compliance;    Consumer protection;    Farming;    Food security;    Governance;    Subsidy/incentive;    Monitoring;    Registration;    Ecosystem preservation;    Air quality/air pollution;    Protection of habitats;    Packaging/labelling;    Food quality control/food safety;    Pests/diseases;    Animal health;    Plant protection;   
【 摘 要 】

This Chapter of the California Food and Agricultural Code contains extensive list of duties and powers of the Department of Food and Agriculture of California. Namely, the department is tasked to promote and protect the agricultural industry of the state; seek to enhance, protect, and perpetuate the ability of the private sector to produce food and fiber in a way that benefits the general welfare and economy of the state; seek to maintain the economic well-being of agriculturally dependent rural

【 授权许可】


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