Postirradiation Examination of FUTURIX-FTA metallic alloy experiments
Harp, Jason M.1  Capriotti, Luca1  Chichester, Heather J. M.1 
[1] Idaho Natl Lab, POB 1625, Idaho Falls, ID 83415 USA
关键词: Postirradiation examination;    Metallic fuel;    Transmutation fuel;    FUTURIX-FTA;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jnucmat.2018.12.051
来源: Elsevier
【 摘 要 】

Two different metallic nuclear fuel alloys intended for transmutation applications in fast neutron spectrum nuclear reactors have been irradiated, and their performance has been evaluated after irradiation. These alloys contained elevated levels of plutonium and other minor actinides (Am, Np) compared to historically irradiated fast reactor fuel to ascertain the impact of these isotopes on fuel performance. The irradiation of these alloys was performed at the Phenix fast reactor in France to facilitate comparisons between true fast spectrum irradiations and pseudo-fast spectrum irradiations performed at the thermal neutron spectrum Idaho National Laboratory Advanced Test Reactor. The irradiation tests were designated FUTURIX-FTA DOE1 which contained a low-fertile alloy and FUTURIX-FTA DOE2 which contained a non-fertile alloy. The DOE1 fuel was irradiated to a measured burnup of 9.5% fissions per initial heavy metal atom (FIMA), and the DOE2 fuel was irradiated to a measured burnup of 12.7% fissions per initial heavy metal atom. This work reports baseline Postirradiation Examination (PIE) results for DOE1 and DOE2. Fuel swelling, fission product distribution, cladding strain, fission gas release, fuel microstructure, fuel cladding chemical interaction and minor actinide transmutation were all evaluated. Cladding strain was negligible and fission gas release was 52% for DOE1 and 69% for DOE2. The exams show the 2 pins behaved very similar to EBR-II metallic fuel experience. Minor actinides seem to not affect the performance of this candidate transmutation fuel. Performance data from these irradiations can be used to inform the feasibility of minor actinide transmutation in future reactor systems. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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