Sensitivity of L-band vegetation optical depth to carbon stocks in tropical forests: a comparison to higher frequencies and optical indices
Chaparro, David1,2  Duveiller, Gregory3  Piles, Maria4  Cescatti, Alessandro3  Vall-Llossera, Merce1,2  Camps, Adriano1,2  Entekhabi, Dara5 
[1] Univ Politecn Cataluna, CornmSensLab, Jordi Girona 1-3, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
[2] UPC, IEEC, Jordi Girona 1-3, E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
[3] Joint Res Ctr, Directorate Sustainable Resources, European Commiss, Ispra, Italy
[4] Univ Valencia, IPL, Valencia 46980, Spain
[5] MIT, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
关键词: Vegetation optical depth;    Carbon density;    Tropical forests;    L-band;    Climate change;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.rse.2019.111303
来源: Elsevier
【 摘 要 】

Monitoring vegetation carbon in tropical regions is essential to the global carbon assessment and to evaluate the actions oriented to the reduction of forest degradation. Mainly, satellite optical vegetation indices and LiDAR data have been used to this purpose. These two techniques are limited by cloud cover and are sensitive only to the top of vegetation. In addition, the vegetation attenuation to the soil microwave emission, represented by the vegetation optical depth (VOD), has been applied for biomass estimation using frequencies ranging from 4 to 30 GHz (C- to K-bands). Atmosphere is transparent to microwaves and their sensitivity to canopy layers depends on the frequency, with lower frequencies having greater penetration depths. In this regard, L-band VOD (1.4 GHz) is expected to enhance the ability to estimate carbon stocks. This study compares the sensitivity of different VOD products (from L, C, and X-bands) and an optical vegetation index (EVI) to the above-ground carbon density (ACD). It quantifies the contribution of ACD and forest cover proportion to the VOD/EVI signals. The study is conducted in Peru, southern Colombia and Panama, where ACD maps have been derived from airborne LiDAR. Results confirm the enhanced sensitivity of L-band VOD to ACD when compared to higher frequency bands, and show that the sensitivity of all VOD bands decreases in the densest forests. ACD explains 34% and forest cover 30% of L-band VOD variance, and these proportions gradually decrease for EVI, C-, and X-band VOD, respectively. Results are consistent through different categories of altitude and carbon density. This pattern is found in most of the studied regions and in flooded forests. Results also show that C-, X-band VOD and EVI provide complementary information to L-band VOD, especially in flooded forests and in mountains, indicating that synergistic approaches could lead to improved retrievals in these regions. Although the assessment of vegetation carbon in the densest forests requires further research, results from this study support the use of new L-band VOD estimates for mapping the carbon of tropical forests.

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