Basic and Clinical Andrology
Gonadal response after a single-dose stimulation test with recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin (rhCG) in patients with isolated prepubertal cryptorchidism
Research Article
Vinícius Nahime Brito1  Renata Reis Woloszynek1  Thais Kataoka Homma2  Carlos Alberto Longui2  Leticia Ribeiro Oliveira2 
[1] Developmental Endocrinology Unit, University of São Paulo Faculty of Medicine Clinics Hospital - USP, São Paulo, Brazil;Pediatric Endocrinology Unit, Pediatrics Department, Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, and Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medical Sciences, Rua Dr. Cesário Mota Jr, 112, Vila Buarque, CEP 01221-020, São Paulo, Brazil;
关键词: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin;    Cryptorchidism;    Testosterone;    Anti-Mullerian hormone;    Recombinant hCG;    Gonadotrophine chorionique humaine;    Cryptorchidie;    Testostérone;    Hormone antimüllérienne;    rhCG recombinante;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12610-016-0039-2
 received in 2016-05-24, accepted in 2016-08-25,  发布年份 2016
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

BackgroundThe evaluation of prepubertal gonadal Leydig cells secretion requires gonadotropin stimulation. Urinary hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is currently unavailable in many countries, however, recombinant hCG (rhCG) can be used. Our aim was to evaluate rhCG-stimulated testicular hormones in a group of patients with cryptorchidism.MethodsWe evaluated 31 prepubertal boys (age range, 0.75–9.0 years) presenting with unilateral (n = 24) or bilateral (n = 7) cryptorchidism. Patients with other genital abnormalities, previous use of hCG or testosterone or previous surgeries were excluded. Blood samples were obtained at baseline and 7 days after a single subcutaneous dose of rhCG (Ovidrel® 250 mcg) to measure the testosterone, DHT (dihydrotestosterone), AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone), and inhibin B levels.ResultsrhCG stimulation significantly increased testosterone levels from 10 ng/dl to 247.8 ± 135.8 ng/dl, increased DHT levels from 4.6 ± 0.8 to 32.3 ± 18.0 ng/dl, and increased the T/DHT ratio from 2.2 ± 0.4 to 8.0 ± 3.5. There was also a significant increase in inhibin B (from 105.8 ± 65.2 to 132.4 ± 56.1 pg/ml; p < 0.05) and AMH levels (from 109.4 ± 52.6 to 152.9 ± 65.2 ng/ml; p < 0.01) after the rhCG stimulation.ConclusionsIn this cohort, hormonal responses can be elicited after the rhCG stimulation test, suggesting that rhCG is a promising stimulation test to replace the urinary hCG test during the evaluation of gonadal Leydig cells function. The clinical applicability and adequate performance of rhCG testing must be investigated in future studies.

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