BMC Surgery
Exclusive intraoperative radiotherapy for invasive breast cancer in elderly patients (>70 years): proportion of eligible patients and local recurrence-free survival
Research Article
Hélène Charitansky1  Delphine Hudry2  Pierre Gimbergues3  Christelle Faure4  Sylvie Giard5  Paul Azuar6  Richard Villet7  Christine Tunon de Lara8  Jean Remy Garbay9  Sophie Knight1,10  Marie Bannier1,11  Amira Ziouèche1,11  Eric Lambaudie1,11  Mathieu Minsat1,11  Agnès Tallet1,11  Michel Resbeut1,11  Monique Cohen1,11  Gilles Houvenaeghel1,11  François Dravet1,12 
[1] Centre Claudius Regaud, Toulouse, France;Centre Georges François Leclerc, Dijon, France;Centre Jean Perrin, Clermont Ferrand, France;Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France;Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, France;Hôpital de Grasse, Grasse, France;Hôpital des Diaconesses, Paris, France;Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux, France;Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France;Institut Paoli Calmettes, 232 Boulevard de Sainte-Marguerite, 13009, Marseille, France;CRCM, Marseille, France;Institut Paoli Calmettes, 232 Boulevard de Sainte-Marguerite, 13009, Marseille, France;CRCM, Marseille, France;Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France;Institut René Gauducheau, Nantes, France;
关键词: Breast cancer;    Elderly patients;    Intraoperative radiotherapy;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12893-016-0191-9
 received in 2016-07-23, accepted in 2016-11-04,  发布年份 2016
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

BackgroundTo estimate the proportion of elderly patients (>70 years) with breast cancer eligible for an Exclusive IntraOperative RadioTherapy (E-IORT) and to evaluate their local recurrence-free survival rate.MethodsThis retrospective study examining two cohorts focuses on patients over 70 years old: a multi-centric cohort of 1411 elderly patients and a mono-centric cohort of 592 elderly patients. All patients underwent conservative surgery followed by external radiotherapy for T0-T3 N0-N1 invasive breast cancer, between 1980 and 2008.ResultsWithin each cohort two groups were identified according to the inclusion criteria of the RIOP trial (R group) and TARGIT E study (T group). Each group was divided into two sub-groups, patients eligible (E) or non-eligible (nE) for IORT. The population of patients that were eligible in the TARGIT E study but not in the RIOP trial were also studied in both cohorts. The proportion of patients eligible for IORT was calculated, according to the eligibility criteria of each study. A comparison of the 5-year local or locoregional recurrence-free survival rate between eligible vs non-eligible patients was made.In both cohorts, the proportion of patients eligible according to the RIOP trial’s eligibility criteria was 35.4 and 19.3%, and according to the TARGIT E study criteria was 60.9 and 45.3%.The 5-year locoregional recurrence-free survival rate was not significantly different between RE and RnE groups, TE and TnE groups. In both cohorts RE and (TE-RE) groups were not significantly different.ConclusionsOur results encourage further necessary studies to define and to extend the eligibility criteria for per operative exclusive radiotherapy.

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