Directionally Compliant Legs Enabling Crevasse Traversal in Small Ground-Based Robots
DOI  :  10.1002/aisy.202200258
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】
Small ground-based robots show promise for locomotion on complex surfaces. A critical application area for such robots is movement over complex terrain and within constricted space such as narrow gaps in rubble. To contend with this terrain complexity, robots typically require high degree-of-freedom (DOF) limbs. However, for small robot platforms, this approach of high DOF legs is impractical due to actuator limitations. This presents an opportunity to design robots whose morphology enables the outsourcing of computational tasks to the robot body through the use of compliant elements (morphological computation). Herein, a novel robot appendage is developed that can passively compress in a programmed direction in response to environmental constrictions. A robot equipped with these appendages can enter narrow spaces down to 72% of the robot's sprawled body width as well as low ceilings down to 68% its freestanding height. The robot is able to step onto and over small terrain features (1.6x hip height) and navigate various natural terrain types with ease. The results show that these compressible appendages enable versatile robot locomotion for robot exploration in previously unmapped environments.
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