Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
Analytical Investigation of Relative Entropy Associated with LTB Model of Accelerating Universe
Raj Kumar Das1 
[1] Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute
关键词: Tensor analysis (algebra and calculus);    General relativity;    Einstein field equation;    Basic theory of cosmology;    Laws of thermodynamics.;   
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

LTB metric (Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi metric) is a spherically symmetric dust solution (zero pressure contribution in energy-momentum tensor) of Einstein field equation, basically which roles as one of the models of explanation about accelerating expansion of the universe. From the analytical treatment, the cosmic scale factor has been deduced from the framework of commoving coordinate system. Then a statistical approach of relative entropy has been drawn as the final result for three types of the universe (based on curvature: positive, flat, and negative).

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