International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Rotating Camera Based on Speaker voice
Setu Garg1  Sandeep Tiwari1  Shantanu Singh Chauhan1  Shivam Singh1  Suhel Ahmad1 
[1] Dept. of EI, Galgotia College of Engineering
关键词: video conferencing;    microphone;    camera;    communication;    recording.;   
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

In this paper, we have introduced a whole new ideaof video conferencing which has become increasingly widespread in the workplace. Currently , recording an important meeting under usual circumstances a person is hired to record the entire process of meeting, where issues of cost, convenience and security arises. A camera can also be installed at the edge of the conference room in order to capture all the employees and their conversation on the screen. Both the process force people to face in the direction of recording, which makes communication awkward. We have designed a system, to be placed of the centre of the table and uses microphones to locate the speaker and turns the camera to face them so that the emphasis is on the person currently speaking.

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