An aquatic environmental DNA filtration system to maximize recovery potential and promote filtration approach standardization
Hayley M. DeHart1  Mark T. Gasser2  Jarret Dixon3  Peter Thielen2 
[1]Research and Exploratory Development Department, The Johns Hopkins University
[2]Research and Exploratory Development Department, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
[3]Force Projection Sector, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
关键词: Environmental DNA;    eDNA;    Field analysis;    Biodiversity;    Invasive species;   
DOI  :  10.7717/peerj.15360
来源: Inra
【 摘 要 】
BackgroundAquatic environmental DNA (eDNA) has emerged as a promising approach to identify organisms in freshwater and marine environments. While the recovery of eDNA from water most commonly involves capture of biological debris on a filter matrix, practitioners are yet to converge on standardized approaches for filtration, particularly in the field. This lack of standardization has resulted in inconsistent handling of samples following collection, limiting interpretation of results across studies and burdening groups with inconvenient storage and transport logistics that may compromise eDNA integrity.MethodsA simple to assemble and low-cost ($350 USD) water filtration system is demonstrated that can be used in field and laboratory settings to reduce time between sample acquisition and eDNA filtration, maximizing eDNA sample recovery. Quantitative PCR is used to show the utility of the platform for laboratory and marine eDNA analysis.ResultsThe resulting eDNA collection system is easily transported in a rugged water-resistant case, operates for more than eight hours on a 12-volt lead-acid battery, and has an unobstructed filtration rate of 150.05 ± 7.01 mL/min and 151.70 ± 6.72 mL/min with 0.22 µm and 0.45 µm Sterivex filters, respectively. We show that immediate sample filtration increases eDNA recovery in the laboratory, and demonstrate collections in aquaria and marine environments. We anticipate that providing easy to obtain, open hardware designs for eDNA sample collection will increase standardization of aquatic eDNA collection methods and improve cross-study comparisons.
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