Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo
Assumptions of the Human Capital paradigm applied to Early Childhood
Joedson Brito dos Santos1 
[1] Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT;
关键词: Investment in Childhood;    Poverty Alleviation;    Right to Education;    Economic Bias;   
DOI  :  10.20873/uft.rbec.v4e6433
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The present text is part of a thesis developed in the Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) that aimed to analyze the extent to which the Fundeb constituted a public policy capable of adequately financing the expansion of attendance to education in the municipality of João Pessoa, PB. It is a qualitative bibliographical research aimed at problematizing the human capital paradigm applied to early childhood and understood as capacity development that prepares children for adult life, for the market and for generating economic value of individuals and for a country. It has been found that child care, education and development have been considered as a solution to social problems and to sustainable economic development since it generates significant economic returns and eliminates inequality. However, assumptions, orientations and programs directed towards childhood are developed through assistance and compensatory proposals for developing countries with a focus on alleviating poverty. Therefore, it is common to find in these countries institutions with inadequate infrastructure, low-skilled professionals and family-focused models of care.

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