SHS Web of Conferences 卷:45
Local Knowledge, Public Policy and Poverty Reduction: A Review on Indonesia Experiences
关键词: Local knowledge;    Public Policy;    Poverty Alleviation;    Indonesia;   
DOI  :  10.1051/shsconf/20184504002
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The community based Local knowledge, basically is an adaptation strategies that arise from within the community itself in fixing socially problem related to the life of society itself. Since local knowledge is the result of interaction between the community and the environment, it is needed to help the community living independently. Hence the local knowledge is the core of efforts to reduce poverty that exists and grows in the community and as the big part of from the process of poverty alleviation programs. The complexity of poverty not only can be overcome by purely economic approach, but it is associated with the dynamics of social, political and cultural that inherent in a community. The multidimensional problems requires synergy between government policy, community and local knowledge itself. This paper attempts to describes the frameworks of Indonesian policy to link the three sectors to empower the poor exit from poverty problem
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