Вестник Православного Свято-Тихоновского гуманитарного университета: Серия I. Богословие, философия
Sociology of the Occult
Nosachev Pavel1 
[1] Higher School of Economics;
关键词: sociology;    the occult;    Western esotericism;    cultic milieu;    patchwork religiosity;    C. Campbell;    E. Tiryakian;    C. Partridge;   
DOI  :  http://dx.doi.org/10.15382/sturI201770.110-125
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The paper deals with the history of the “sociology of the occult”. It examines main stages of its development exemplified by works of C. Campbell, E. Tiryakian, M. Truzzi, J. Webb. The latest expression of ideas of this school is the theory of occulture proposed by the British religious scholar and researcher of culture C. Partridge. Partridge has combined the achievements of sociology of the occult with modern theories related to the study of Western esotericism. His concept of occulture aims at the identifi cation of traces of Western esotericism in modern popular culture. This paper shows the heuristic value of the theory of occulture and analyses main forms of occulture developed under the influence of Eastern doctrines and Christian demonology. Partridge’s theory fi ts into the general context of research into Western esotericism and is related to the conception of W. Hanegraaff. In conclusion, the theory of occulture is correlated with the four main approaches to the study of Western esotericism.

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