Adaptive Visual Servoing for Obstacle Avoidance of Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Optical Flow and Switched System Model
Ming-Li Chiang1  Shun-Hung Tsai2  Cheng-Ming Huang3  Kuang-Tin Tao4 
[1] Department of Applied Mathematics, Tung Hai University, Taichung 407224, Taiwan;Department of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yet-Sen University, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan;Departments of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan;R&D Department II, Wistron Corporation, Neihu 11469, Taiwan;
关键词: visual servoing;    MUAV;    optical flow;    switched systems;   
DOI  :  10.3390/pr9122126
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A vision-based adaptive switching controller that uses optical flow information to avoid obstacles for micro unmanned aerial vehicles (MUAV) is proposed in this paper. To use the optical flow to indicate the distance between the MUAV and the environment, we propose an algorithm with multi-thread processing such that the optical flow information is obtained reliably and continuously in the entire camera field of view. The flying behavior of considered MUAV is regarded as a switching system when considering different flying modes during the mission of obstacle avoidance. By the required flight direction for obstacle avoidance specified by the detected optical flow, an adaptive control scheme is designed to track the required trajectory in switching modes. The simulation result shows the tracking performances of the adaptive control with the switching system. The experiment of the whole system is completed to verify the obstacle avoidance capability of our system.

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